History of Somsar Ashrama

Somsar is a tranquil village in the district of Bankura at the place where the Shali river meets the river Damodar. In such a natural graceful surroundings stands a village on the bank of the Damodar and in the village which is rich with green trees and foliage stands a very ancient Shiva temple - Someswar Shiva worshipped by innumerable devotees. The village gets its name after the name of its presiding deity - SOMSAR. If one moves around the village he shall find a number of Shiva temples - small and big - besides numerous worshipping places of different kinds of deities like Kali, Manasa and Sitala.

There is an old Kali temple with "Panchamundi Asana" used by sages for their salvation. In the village, one can find ruins of old palacial houses which speak of its rich heritage and once glorious past. The descendents of once famous Chand Pal family live at one side the village while common mass of Bengali householders live at its other side. It is a placid, peaceful and pious village where people live in joy. The village's cultural milieu is charmingly vibrant through observing several fares and festivals - Pous Sankranti, Lord Shiva's fare, Janmastami, Id festival etc.